There's a Reason for the Success of the Tourism Industry in Lake Charles and SW Louisiana!

Contraband Pointe North is poised to contribute to this important sector.

  • Culinary Center:
    • Include an Exhibition Kitchen in the Culinary Center to capitalize on the highly successful Culinary Arts program at SOWELA and the popularity of local and regional Celebrity Chefs by offering demonstration classes
    • Host functions for aspiring chefs (personal and professional), including contests.
    •  Utilize green area for pop-up food tents 
    • Buid a food hall
  • Vacation Cottages or Condos/Event Center or Culinary Centerr:
    • Collaborate with others to offer various "in residence" programs for artists, photographers, writers, chefs teachers, nutrition/wellness, business leaders, and more
  •  Boating:
    • Include houseboats for rent with guest able to select from multiple on-site docking areas or suggested scenic spots on connecting lakes, bayous, and rivers
    • Initiate or be a part of a water taxi service location that would connect property owners and renters in Contraband Pointe, locals, and guests at the nearby 3,300 hote rooms with L'auberge, Golden Nugget, and Horeshoe Bay (Westlake) Casinos, Port Wonder, Crying Eagle, the only white sand insland beach between Texas and Florida, the Civic Center, Historical Downtown Lake Charles,Casinos, Shucks, Prien Lake Park and other locations.
    • Offer customized tours that include
      • the East and West fork of the Calcasieu River
      • the beautiful homes on Prien Lake, Shell Beach Drive and Contraband Bayou
  • Fishing Camps:
    • There are a vareity of locations for rentals oriented to provide an ideal setting for individual and group classes. The conceptual rendering proposes cottages arund a detention pond stocked with fish, an ideal setting for those new to casting or needing to sharpen their skills.
    • Fishing tournaments
    • Provide a skilled fishing staff offering group and private lessons for all ages.
    • Involve local fishing charter captains to introduce our waterways and for planning river and gulf charters
  • Besides the ventures mentioned above, the entrepreneurial opportunities in Contraband Pointe North are tremendous:

    "F" after the name indicates that the link leads to franchise information. Otherwise, the link leads to a non-franchise entity provided as an example:

    Bars and Sportsbars:

    A few Dog Friendly Bars and Restaurants across the country. 


    VISITOR NUMBERS: In 2023, Southwest Louisiana, including Lake Charles, saw a notable increase in tourist arrivals compared to previous years, with a 10.79% rise in confirmed group bookings. This growth was attributed to enhanced meeting incentive programs, marketing campaigns and increased accessibility via regional transportation.

    Waterfront Development Image courtesy of

    REVENUE GENERATION: Tourism revenue for Southwest Louisiana in 2023 surpassed $500 million, driven by expenditures on accommodations, dining, entertainment, and shopping. 

    LC Casinos Photo Credit Lindsey Janise

    Bayou Greenbelt Image by Kathryn Shea Duncan

    MARKETING: The Visit Lake Charles team launched the new “As Much Joy As You Can Pack In” campaign with activations in major markets like Austin, San Antonio, and Houston in 2023. The campaign reached 950,0000+ through social media ads, streaming ads, and influencer partnerships. The campaign will continue to grow in 2024 to reach target markets and capture the diversity of the destination.

    Festivals Photo by Lindsey A Janies


    Birding Photo Courtesy of

    To learn more about Southwest Louisiana's tourism industry, economy, and the developer-friendly City Planning office for the City of Lake Charles, feel free to contact:

    Matt Young
    Director of Public Relations
    Visit Lake Charles

    Doug Burguieres
    Director, Planning and Development
    City of Lake Charles

    Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance